In the first quarter, the profits of many housing enterprises fell by more than 50%

2023/8/13 16:57:18

    The sales performance of housing enterprises in the first quarter has been announced one after another, and the statistics of Krei Research Center show that in the first quarter of this year, only 6 of the TOP20 housing enterprises achieved year-on-year growth.
Sales fell at many companies
    The reporter learned that although Evergrande and SunAC delivered a good answer in the first quarter, sales of Vanke and other top-ranked housing enterprises have declined. Among them, Vanke announced that the sales amount of the first three months was 46.06 billion yuan, a decrease of 15% compared with last year's 54.23 billion yuan, while Country Garden announced that the group achieved a total of 17.73 billion yuan in contract sales for the three months ended March 31, 2015, down 44.32% compared with the same period last year.
    In addition, many companies' profits fell more than 50% in the first quarter. Data show that Vanke expects the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies from January to March 2015 to be 600 million to 700 million yuan, down 54% to 61% from the same period last year.
    The proportion of land prices rising and the pressure of destocking housing enterprises profit return
    Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real estate, said that the sales and profits of housing enterprises in the first quarter generally declined, mainly because of changes in the pace of sales of enterprises, "most of the enterprises completed in 2013 is very good, reserving a large number of contracts carried forward to 2014." However, the overall completion situation of enterprises in 2014 was poor, and most enterprises overdrew the signing at the beginning of 2015, resulting in unsatisfactory signing in 2015."
    At the same time, Zhang Dawei said that the oversupply of housing in most cities, the price is too high, and the future appreciation is uncertain, and it is no longer the best investment choice, so the demand for real estate investment has also fallen significantly.
    Yan Yuejin, a researcher at the E-House real Estate Research Institute, said that in the first quarter, some housing enterprises still adhere to the strategy of price reduction and promotion, and the profit decline is also expected. As land prices account for an increasing proportion of housing prices, developers' profit margins are constantly being squeezed. At the same time, the current marketing costs of many housing enterprises are still relatively large, which will also deplete the profits of housing enterprises.
    In addition, Yan Yuejin said that in the long run, the proportion of land price rise and destocking pressure will become a long-term trend, housing enterprises have bid farewell to the era of high profits, and return to normal profits has become a trend.
    However, Zhang Dawei believes that in the second half of March, the market bid farewell to the off-season of signing. Some cities appear spring phenomenon, it is expected that the trend of the overall market will continue to improve, and the market volume of subsequent improved demand will increase.
    Housing companies start to inventory promotion war
    "For the real estate market, there are two reasons for check-out: 1. Poor quality at the time of acquisition. 2. House prices are down. No reason to check out Given the current situation in China's real estate market, where 90 percent of sales are off-plan homes, this does address buyers' concerns about the quality of homes." Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, told reporters that it is expected that there will be more enterprises to learn from.
    Xie Yifeng, president of the Asia Pacific Urban Real Estate Research Institute, said that Evergrande took the lead in 2015 in the first shot of the national project "no reason to check out" plan, which means that the housing enterprises officially started the initiative to destock the marketing war.
    "Promising no reason to leave means developers take on more risk and are under more pressure in terms of capital, and companies are bound to follow suit." Said Zhao Zhuowen, a well-known property commentator.
    Therefore, some insiders believe that there is no reason to check out may accelerate the survival of the fittest in the market. Mr. Xia responded that there were 60,000 real estate development companies at the peak of China's real estate market, and there are still 30,000 now. Market competition, industry reshuffle and wash away more than 20,000, leaving hundreds of thousands of normal, "by then the overall quality of the industry will be higher."

    "In the current market cycle, Evergrande put forward no reason to check out, and it is indeed more to reduce inventory marketing efforts, from the marketing point of view, to increase turnover will certainly help." Zhang Dawei said.

    "The regular price reduction promotion has been unable to touch the nerves of buyers, housing companies must make every effort to attract buyers." On the other hand, the price sensitivity of home buyers is weakening, the price reduction is not as sensitive as before, and home buyers generally buy up and do not buy down, and there is no reason to return home owners if they dispel the concerns of home buyers about falling prices. The purpose is to create expectations of a rising market and guide buyers to be optimistic about the future market." Xie Yifeng thinks.
    There are also some people in the industry who have doubts about the operation of "no reason to check out".
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