More than 600 million passenger trips were made on the country's railways during summer holidays

2023/8/14 16:54:36

    The reporter learned from China National Railway Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "National Railway Group") that since mid-August, the national railway has ushered in the peak of return passenger flow, and 15.326,000 passengers were sent on August 12, setting a record high for the number of passengers sent on a single day during the summer. From July 1 to August 15, a total of 614 million passenger trips have been made on railways across the country.

    The person in charge of the passenger department of the National Railway Group introduced that since mid-August, with the continuous rise of tourist flow, the demand for railway passenger travel is very strong. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of passenger trains in flood season, railway departments actively adapt to market demand, give full play to the advantages of high-speed rail network operation, make overall use of new lines and new equipment and other capacity resources, carefully formulate train operation plans, improve the quality of passenger service, and ensure the safe and orderly travel of passengers.

    First, we will expand passenger transport capacity. An average of 10,578 passenger trains were operated on national railways, an increase of 18.9% over the same period in 2019. According to the dynamic analysis of the big data of 12306 passenger ticket pre-sale and waiting for ticket purchase, flexibly increase the number of passenger trains, organize the reconnection of EMU, add carriages to the general speed passenger trains, open night high-speed trains between some tourist cities, maximize the passenger transport capacity, effectively increase the supply of transport capacity in popular areas and directions, and continue to open public "slow trains". We will strive to meet the travel needs of the people.

    Second, we will enrich the supply of passenger transport products. Service for tourists to travel in summer, in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi 'an, Hangzhou, Huangshan and other major tourist cities, increase the strength of tourist train operation, coordination with scenic spots, hotels, to provide full travel services; We will make good use of characteristic tourist trains such as Red Tour and study Tour, and build boutique tourist train brands such as Panda train, Dunhuang Train and Jinghe Train to meet the diversified travel needs of passengers.

    Third, we will improve the quality of transport services. Strengthen the organization of passengers' boarding and boarding during peak hours, increase access to and from stations, step up safety inspections, implement basic services such as air conditioning, catering, and water supply, and provide key passenger services such as caring services for the elderly, the sick, the disabled and pregnant, promote the application of "railway flow code" on 3,500 EMU trains, and implement convenient transfer at 120 stations to provide more convenience for passengers. Improve the travel experience.

    Fourth, we will ensure that children and students travel. For the centralized travel of children and student passengers in the summer, increase the service guarantee, increase the manual ticket verification force, assign guidance organizations and security forces in key places such as entrance and exit, elevator, platform, strengthen the maternal and child waiting room services, station and train broadcast to remind children passengers in time to pay attention to children, and train crew members focus on children passengers. Make good use of the new online verification function of student discount ticket qualification, and newly enrolled college students can enjoy preferential fares with the admission letter, providing good service for student travelers.

    Fifth, we will ensure the safety and smooth operation of railways. Actively respond to typhoons "Dusuri" and "Kanu", implement safety measures for driving in flood season, organize railway officials and employees to work overtime and work day and night, strengthen line inspection and repair, timely repair lines damaged by water damage, ensure the smooth flow of railway arteries, and make every effort to ensure the safety of high-speed railways and passenger trains. Adhere to the national railway "one network", strengthen the centralized and unified transport operation and command, take measures to stop the operation of trains to avoid risk, organize roundabout transportation, increase the opening of high-speed rail routes, etc., scientific allocation of transport capacity, to provide a strong guarantee for passengers to travel safely.

    Railway authorities suggest that at present, Xi 'an to Chengdu, Beijing to Chengdu, high-speed rail trains and Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed rail Beijing to Wuhan, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail Beijing to Shanghai and other directions of some train tickets, passengers can through the railway 12306 website (including mobile phone client) and other official channels to check and purchase. Summer railway passenger flow into the peak, please passengers friends reasonable arrangements, as far as possible wrong peak travel, reserve enough time to get into the station, strengthen their own health protection during the journey, do civilized travel, and jointly maintain a good travel environment.