Letv mobile phone by crazy ridicule don't look at it again

2023/8/14 16:43:46

    Yesterday, letV released three mobile phones, Le 1, Le 1Pro and Le Max, priced at 1499, 2499, respectively, Le Max with national pricing has not yet disclosed the price. For a time, letV [0.17% capital research report] and Jia Yueting were pushed into the tuyre again.

This year, the transformation of traditional manufacturing enterprises to make mobile phones is not uncommon, there is no denying that this is a very low threshold of the industry, LeEco released its mobile phone is expected, but there are many doubts. Baidu a letv mobile phone, search results up to 12.8 million, super mobile phone up to 16 million, mixed reviews, because letV is the current GEM's largest market value company, is a benchmark for growth stocks, LeEco conference at the same time, users and shareholders scold war ridicule is very HIGH.

Joke 1: Is it crazy to kill apple?

    This is not the first time that a domestic company has declared to kill Apple, Jia Yueting's open letter publicly blasted Apple's closure to stifle innovation, hinder industrial development, and harm the interests of users in the long run. And claimed that only the model of The Times, there is no eternal model, closed Apple has not been in line with the development trend of The Times, will inevitably decline.

    Why would killing Apple cause such a big dispute, although the Lord Joe is gone, but the spirit lives on. At least in the hearts of fruit fans, apple is still a symbol of fashion, although only a few products such as Tuhao gold can highlight the noble status of fruit fans, but the declining nobility can turn on the Tuhao landlord to say, so the speech of killing apple, first touched a dignity issue, will cause a group of people to conflict.

Ridicule two: Jia Yueting is not fooled?

    There are many people who question Jia Yueting is very good at telling stories, super TV, super cars, and now super mobile phones, just as many people questioned Rebus and Xiaomi at the beginning. But what I'm trying to say is, these days, grandstanding doesn't necessarily win favor, but it does increase exposure. The Premier has said that we must put the Internet + on a strategic level, and we must have Internet thinking under the new normal. This year, talking about the ideal is not illegal, no fine, bragging force does not have to pay taxes.

    Standing in the perspective of shareholders, Jia Yueting is very interesting, the biggest obligation of listed companies is to create value for shareholders, one is dividends, from the profits created for the company; One comes from rising share prices. Leeco's free advertising fee is estimated to be 50 million is not expensive, according to the growth enterprise market price-earnings ratio of 100 times, the saved cost is equivalent to contributing 5 billion market value. At the conference site, stars and goddesses, these are the direct resources of letv film, not the direct resources of LetV, belong to the assets that may be injected into listed companies in the future, Jia boss is equivalent to free contribution, in professional terms, this is a synergistic effect, conducive to cost control.

    Joke three: Is the largest GEM company worth this price?

    Leeco has the aura of the largest market value company on the GEM board, and it is not worth 70 billion yuan. Gem seems crazy, in fact, so far hundreds of billions of yuan level companies have not appeared, this is only RMB, not US dollars. From the global range of mobile phone and video listed companies valuation, Apple is 734.8 billion US dollars, we do not compare with Apple, do not compare with Samsung, look at the decline of HTC and Nokia, letV's valuation is 1/3 of others.

    With the eyes of shareholders and enthusiasts to evaluate the letv mobile phone, it is two different things. Using the eyes of investors and the eyes of Apple fans to evaluate the IPHONE, is also a different matter. You know, if you just talk your way out of this, lawyers are the richest people in the world.

Ridicule four: Can letV mobile phones be sold?

    Letv mobile phone is good, will not sell hot. You and I don't count, institutions don't count, and ultimately the market has the final say, and the core advantage of letV mobile phones is mobile video entertainment, which is the core ecology. Xiaomi also advertised that it was not selling mobile phones, but ecology, since it is ecology, there must be content, supporting, and substantial products to be consumed by customers. Xiaomi claims not to make money through hardware, but in fact, Xiaomi's main source is still hardware, due to the lack of content, relying on users and data realization is difficult to achieve in the short term, which also makes the current millet a lot of investment in content supplement. And LeEco is not short in this regard, copyright and video is the core of the entire LeEco ecosystem.

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