that retired cadres recruited death squads to plot violent acts

2023/8/15 16:17:08

     Ministry of State Security wechat public number August 15 news, in 2016, the work of national security organs found that a retired cadre of a school in Yunnan Province, Su Mou, has long published reactionary remarks on the network. He took the initiative to contact key members of foreign hostile organizations, planned to purchase weapons from abroad, recruited so-called "death squads" in the country, plotted to carry out violent actions, and named the operation as the "Chinese Benghazi project", in an attempt to subvert the state power. State security agencies acted aggressively to arrest all those involved while the case was still in the planning stage. The breaking of a certain case reflects the enemy situation facing our country's political security from one side.

     Political security is directly related to the security of the regime and the survival of the system. It is the most fundamental need of a country and the basis for its survival and development. Without political security, national security is out of the question.

At midnight on July 1, 1997, the national flag of the People's Republic of China and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were raised in Hong Kong. However, the trees want to calm down but the wind does not. In recent years, some Western countries have tried to instil a so-called "color revolution" in Hong Kong under the guise of "democracy," "freedom," and "human rights." The "Illegal Occupy Central" in Hong Kong in 2014, the "Mong Kok riot" in 2016, and the "amendment wave" in 2019 have seriously impacted Hong Kong's economic and social development, and posed hidden threats to China's political security. The CPC Central Committee firmly implemented the principle of "one country, two systems", formulated the Law on National Security in Hong Kong, improved the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and implemented the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong", thus transforming the situation in Hong Kong from chaos to governance and prosperity, and laying a solid foundation for the steady and lasting implementation of "one country, two Systems".

    For a long time, various hostile forces have been attempting to create a "color revolution" in our country, in vain to subvert the leadership of the Communist Party of China and our socialist system, which is the real danger and long-term danger to our political security. In recent years, state security organs have cracked a number of major cases that have jeopardized China's political security, effectively safeguarding national security.

Iron facts tell us that political security is the foundation of national security, and we must accurately grasp the "four major attributes" to provide a strong security guarantee for the Party's long-term governance, the country's long-term peace and stability, and the people's peace and contentment.

-- Grasp the fundamentals of political security and safeguard the lifeline of national security in the new era. The core of political security is political power security and institutional security, and the most fundamental is to safeguard the leadership and governance of the Communist Party of China and safeguard the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The national security organs have always given top priority to maintaining political security, taking political security as the top priority, and working hard to make the Great Wall of national security rock-solid and indestructible.

-- Grasp the people's nature of political security and strengthen the fundamental guarantee for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Safeguarding political security is in the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China. The state security organs have always taken the people as the fundamental starting point and goal of national security work, and maintained that all national security is for the people and depends on the people, and have effectively responded to various risks and challenges that endanger the fundamental interests of the people.

-- We should grasp the complexity of political security and fight a lasting battle to maintain it. Political security is the lifeline of the cause of the Party and the state and the unshakable bottom line of national security work. The state security organs have always adhered to the prevention and resistance of "color revolution" as the main line of work at present and in the future, effectively thwarted all kinds of hostile forces to harm China's political security, and resolutely prevented and defused all kinds of risks and hidden dangers affecting the ruling status of the Party and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

-- We should grasp the overall significance of political security and coordinate and maintain security in all fields. National security is composed of multiple areas of security, of which political security is the core, and different areas of security are interrelated and influence each other. The state security organs have always adhered to the overall national security concept as the guidance, with the maintenance of political security as the primary task, coordinated and strengthened the work in traditional security fields such as military and homeland and non-traditional security fields such as science and technology, finance and biology, and prevented and cut off the transmission of security risks in other fields to the political security field.

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